Chicken Wild Rice Soup

Chicken Wild Rice Soup

This is the time of year when things get a little wonky because it’s gray, and just plain cold.  (Unless you are blessed to live in a state that stays warm all year.)  We are still about 2 months away from spring.  If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, I might cry.  I can’t promise that I won’t.  The world is monochromatic for crying out loud!

Thankfully, we know it won’t last.  We’ve got a soup chock full of colorful vegetables, chicken, and amazing wild rice to help you through this blah time of year.  Chicken and Wild Rice go together like peanut butter and jelly or chocolate and peanut butter!  Add some color into your January, and make this soup!

Chicken Wild Rice Soup


4 chicken leg quarters

1 48 oz carton of chicken broth

1 32 oz carton of chicken broth

4 carrots

5 celery stalks

1 onion

2 cloves chopped garlic

2 bay leaves

1 teaspoon dried thyme

2 cups wild rice

1 tablespoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Optional:  Parsley for garnish

1.  In a 6 quart pot, brown the chicken leg quarters, 2 at a time, over medium high heat.  Once browned, remove from the pot and set aside.

2. Drain off all but two tablespoons of the chicken fat from the pot.

3.  Add the carrots, celery, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and dried thyme to the pot.

4.  Stir and cook for 5-10 minutes.

5.  Add the chicken leg quarters back to the pot with 48 ounces chicken stock.

6.  Add the bay leaves and bring to a boil.  Once it reaches a boil, reduce to a simmer.

7.  Let simmer for 2 hours.

8.  After 2 hours, remove the chicken legs and separate the meat from the bones and skin.  Set the meat aside and discard the bones and skin.

9.  Add the remaining chicken stock to the pot and let simmer for another hour.

10.  In a separate pot, prepare the wild rice to the package instructions.

11.  Dice the chicken meat and stir into the soup.  Remove the bay leaves.

12.  Add your desired amount of rice to a bowl and ladle about a cup of the soup over the top.  (This will ensure the rice does not get mushy in the soup pot.)



Chicken Wild Rice Soup
Author: Simply Playful Fare
  • 4 chicken leg quarters
  • 1 48 oz carton of chicken broth
  • 1 32 oz carton of chicken broth
  • 4 carrots
  • 5 celery stalks
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 cups wild rice
  • Optional: Parsley for garnish
  1. In a 6 quart pot, brown the chicken leg quarters, 2 at a time, over medium high heat. Once browned, remove from the pot and set aside.
  2. Drain off all but two tablespoons of the chicken fat from the pot.
  3. Add the carrots, celery, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and dried thyme to the pot.
  4. Stir and cook for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Add the chicken leg quarters back to the pot with 48 ounces chicken stock.
  6. Add the bay leaves and bring to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, reduce to a simmer.
  7. Let simmer for 2 hours.
  8. After 2 hours, remove the chicken legs and separate the meat from the bones and skin. Set the meat aside and discard the bones and skin.
  9. Add the remaining chicken stock to the pot and let simmer for another hour.
  10. In a separate pot, prepare the wild rice to the package instructions.
  11. Dice the chicken meat and stir into the soup. Remove the bay leaves.
  12. Add your desired amount of rice to a bowl and ladle about a cup of the soup over the top. (This will ensure the rice does not get mushy in the soup pot.)
Serving size: 8 servings, 389 g Calories: 255 Fat: 3.7g Carbohydrates: 24.2g Protein: 30.1g

Chicken Wild Rice Soup

Chicken Wild Rice Soup  Soup

What’s your favorite broth soup?  Let us know in the comments section!

2 thoughts on “Chicken Wild Rice Soup”

  • Love soups, love chicken, love wild rice. This soup is bound to be a winner for the family. I’ll be makiing it this weekend. Thaks for sharing it at Full plate Tursday where I found you. Linda

    • Thanks Linda! The hardest part of the recipe is working with the chicken, but that’s not too bad. I’d love to know what you think!

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