Banana Muffins with Dark Chocolate

Muffins are phenomenal breakfasts foods.  Scratch that.  Muffins can be phenomenal breakfast foods.  Like any other red-blooded American, we really like the muffins they sell at Costco.  They are cheap, tasty, and super convenient.  If you aren’t careful, however, they can add all their tastiness to your 

Refreshing Fruit Salad

OK… so I really hate when people use the word “refreshing” to describe food.  I don’t know why, it just sounds so corny.  Maybe it’s because it’s overused.  That being said, it seems refreshing is the only word to truly describe this fruit salad.  The 

Pantry Granola

I’ve talked about store-bought granola before, and the 4-letter word connotation it has in the “dieting world.”  As it turns out, homemade granola can be quite healthy.  Things that make granola fattening are: lots of added sugar dried fruits with tons of added sugar a 

Turkey and Havarti Cheese Roll-Ups

These days, it’s hard to find a good healthy snack, when we’re bombarded by billions of dollars of acute marketing encompassing psychology and multimedia every day.  When it comes to a healthy snack, the goal is something that is high in protein, low in carbs, 

Raspberry Muffins

Raspberries aren’t in season right now, but I’ve got a whole chest freezer full of them from our harvest this summer.  We greedily picked every berry we could, hoarding them and prepping them for the freezer, so we could make it through the winter without