Chicken Stock: The Cure All End All

Last Saturday morning, I felt like I was coming down with a bit of a cold.  By Saturday evening that feeling was well on its way to a full blown cold.  You can hit all the drugs and preventive medicines you want, but when it 

Use them Skills: Recipes that Combine Pantry and Fridge Essentials

Holy buckets!  It’s already been a week since our last post.  It’s been a really busy, albeit fun, week.  Crystal and I got hitched last Saturday.  We are currently celebrating a week of marital bliss.  We took a little vacation, and took a break from 

Fridge Essentials: No Science Projects Here!

Fridge Essentials                 It’s time for another exciting installment of Simply Playful Fare!  So, it’s a crazy busy week here at the house.  Crystal and I are getting married today.  Because of that, I’ve decided that we are going to simplify the blog a little 

Pantry Basics: Inside the Vault

Having a well stocked pantry is your friend when it comes to being health conscious.  If you have a few basics around, you can throw together a healthy meal in a hurry.  Without a well-stocked pantry, you can find yourself going out to eat more 

Kitchen Basics Part 2

As Jeff prepares to leave for his annual “mancation” with his friends (man camping), and I am left alone to fend (and cook) for myself, I realize I have never been taught how to steam vegetables.  Normally, I would avoid this, but we are on